Monday, December 1, 2008

Black Friday!!!

I hope you guys aren't sick of hearing my stories running on the ambulance... But you gotta hear this!!!

So i was on shift for black friday (the day after thanksgiving.) Holy s**t, are the only words i can think of to describe the experience i had. So the pager goes off: "Springville Ambulance respond to Walmart on a  24 year old women who has passed out. Unconscious but breathing. Bystanders say she has been unresponsive for 4 minutes. Time of page 04:05 am."

Okay, so we pull up out front of walmart, get the stretcher, go inside. It was a mad house!!! There were thousands of people! Some people had 3 or 4 carts full of stuff, piled high. I am talking over their heads. So people saw us, and refused to get out of our way because they didn't want to lose their place in line. I am not kidding. I had a guy get in my face and yell "what makes you think you can cut in line?!" I said, "Happy Holidays to you too." Okay, so after shoving our way clear back to electronics, we get to our patient. You guessed it, she was having a panic attack because of all the people there! I thought I was going to pass out... I was getting clostraphobic because of all the people. So after she starts coming to, we released her on scene. (She decided to stay and shop!!!)
Then, walmart security come running up to us, and say there is a guy up front who has a broken arm. After, again, fighting our way to the front of the store, we find our second patient. He and a women had literally been fighting over a kitchen aid. During the struggle, he fell and dislocated his shoulder. After our beloved officers wrote him a ticket for disorderly conduct, we sent him to the hospital.

I might be mistaken, but I thought the Christmas season was supposed to be a time of love and charity. I guess I was wrong. These people get in this shopping frenzy mode and literally run over people (a walmart employee was trampled to death in Long Island, NY) to get a good deal. 

What has our society turned into? This was one crazy, unfortunate day. 


mackenzie said...

are you serious!! that is a Crazy story. people can be vicous. i can't believe they wouldn't get out of your way so that you could help some one, i mean wasn't your uniforn a tip off that you weren't just an average shopper but someone trying to do their job, seriously that is really sad. but good story:) thanks for sharing

Diana said...

Tell me about it.This is the 3rd Black Friday I have worked. This you wasn't as bad as last year. The economy has impacted things. I have heard so many horror stories from Black Friday past. I will say that some people were defiantly more on edge this year. Since the economy is bad people are more stressed about getting the best deals. At the same time, people are buying less and not going to Black Friday sales. So I guess you could say there were less people this year, but they were more prone to violence.

Rebecca Mortensen said...

I can not believe these stories! I personally went shopping on Black Friday- and I'm from Las Vegas! The shopping there was insane. People are just crazy. I was up at 6 to get to the mall downtown. My mom and I stopped at Nordstroms when we got there. There were women fighting over boots! It was absolutely insane. I can not believe how we start the Christmas season every year! Happy Holidays I guess. :)

Stephanie Cheney said...

OH my goodness!!! The whole day after thanksgiving shopping thing is a little overated.... alot of the times you don't find deals that are that good anyway... i just think that it's not in the holiday spirit!