Thursday, December 18, 2008


Aren't you glad the semester is over? I am. Now we can relax and enjoy the holidays. I love having large breaks, but as much as I am going to love this break, I would give the whole break up as long as I was able to celibrate Christmas.

Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. It used to be because of the presents I would get on Christmas morning, but as I have gotten older I have realized how much better I feel when I give. I know this sounds like a cheesy little saying that children are taught, but is surely better to give than recieve. I've been so busy lately thinking about what to get people for Christmas, that I haven't had much of an oppurtunity to think about what I want. But I really do feel better thinking about others' wants rather than my own. It truely makes me happy.

No matter how generous and kind and loving you may have been in Christmases past, I hope that all of you will be a little bit kinder and more generous this Christmas! If you are I know that you will have one of the best Christmases ever, for being Christlike toward others is what Christmas is all about.

I sincerly hope all of you may have holliest jolliest Christmas ever! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! 

1 comment:

Stephanie Cheney said...

I love christmas too!!! I totally agree that it is better to give then recieve when i was in high school we always had service projects around christmas and it just made it so much more fun!!